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How long do battery jump starters last

How long do battery jump starters last

Each forward-looking driver is striving to buy the best car jump starter that would prove reliable and durable. There are two things that can influence the life cycle of your device: quality provided by a manufacturer and an exploitation mode, meaning both initial features of a newly bought jump starter and how you use it play an important role.

What’s the lifetime of a car jump starter

Before or after buying jump starter to charge a battery, you will definitely be interested in how long a car jump starter lasts. Basically, the battery life depends on several very important factors. It’s no secret that the quality of use has a very strong effect on the performance of the car jump starter. This means that you need to use it wisely, do not overload it, and store it correctly, following the manufacturer’s instructions. For example, the increased acidity of the environment greatly impairs the operating time. In addition, it is necessary to maintain the correct storage temperature, avoid high humidity, etc.

The average lifespan of a car starter is roughly 4 to 7 years, based on both user reviews and manufacturers’ claims on the market. With poor maintenance and conditions, the battery will only last for about three to four years. Considering all the nuances, I think it would be logical to admit that it is much easier to adhere to the rules than to sacrifice one or even two years of the device’s life.

battery jump starters

What makes a good brand

Pay increased attention to the warranty. Most companies provide one year, so you can confidently discard those who offer less.

Give preference to reputable brands having responsive customer support so as not to stay alone with your problem if the device brakes. Trustworthy manufacturers display their phone numbers and emails on official websites. Before placing an order, contact managers and ask some question, analyze how fast, politely, and comprehensively they answer.

How do you extend the jump starter’s life cycle

Once you have a high-quality device, it is crucial to exploit it carefully. Adhering to the simple rules below will help you extend service life by 2-3 times:

  • Track the charge of the unit and do not apply it in a highly discharged state. Some people think that frequent chargers are harmful, but this is definitely not the case for jump starters. It is best to restore energy balance after each use. Of course, this may be impossible if you are far from home and cannot find a suitable place for charging. Then you should at least connect the device to the power grid nightly. If the unit is not used for long, charge it once in three months. Remember that 5-6 hours are needed to fully charge a jump starter.
  • Take into account the duty cycle prescribed by a manufacturer. Brands usually indicate cranking and rest time in manuals. You should respect these standards. For example, if a manufacturer indicates that the device should crank a vehicle no longer than 5 seconds and rest no less than 2 minutes, deviating from these instructions can lead to excessive heating and preliminary breakage.
  • Store the unit in a moderate temperature environment (10˚-20˚C). Devices stored in too cold or warm premises usually have lower cranking power and shorter life cycle.
  • Once you have started your vehicle, be sure to disconnect a jump starter, adhering to safety procedures. Some people think that leaving the unit connected is the best way to quickly recharge it. This is a fatal mistake. Car generators have much more powerful output than any jump starter may need. “Overfeeding” the device with energy can harm it.
  • If a car battery is in poor condition and has posts emitting acid, it is important to remove this substance from jump starter’s clams, especially positive one since it directly contacts the battery. Use a clean cloth for this. To protect clamps with an increased acid contact, wipe them with baking soda and water.

We hope that this article would help you avoid many problems associated with negligent use of jump starters.

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