There are many scenarios when you need to use a gasoline generator. This is camping, and working far from the power source, and a power outage. However, all this has one thing in common – the noise that the generator emits, and even the smallest models will make a lot of noise. Such is the design of the generator. And if you suffer from excessive noise, then we advise you to read our material on how to reduce generator noise.
Try to place the generator as far away from your location as possible. If you are camping, move the generator outside the camp as far as the wires allow. And if you use a generator in a country house, then place it in some kind of service building. Even the thinnest walls help you a little in generator noise reduction.
Box for generator
Let’s get back to the theme of the walls. If you want to drown out the noise, then you can make a box for the generator. It will protrude as a cover. Plain plywood of medium thickness is suitable for creation. You should make the box larger than the generator itself so that the body does not come into contact with it and does not create large vibrations. And also don’t forget the exhaust holes to help with ventalation.
I used this technique for my noisy Champion 7500 Dual Fuel Generator. A box is also a great way to store your portable generator outside.
Absorbing Pad
During generator operation, the engine emits noise not only but also by the housing itself. Because of the speed of the engine, vibrations are created, which are transmitted to the body, and threw it to the floor.
To make a generator quieter, you can use a sound and vibration absorbing pad. Such a backing can be ordinary foam from a hardware store or even a piece of old carpet.
The vibration also applies to how the generator stands. Often, loud vibrations and rattles occur due to the fact that the generator is not level, and therefore not stable. To solve this problem, level the generator. You can do this using the adjustable feet on the bottom of the generator.
Insulation with water
As you know, water can absorb some sound. Since a large proportion of generator noise comes from the exhaust pipe, it can be damped with water. Connect the generators’ exhaust pipe to a tank filled with some water. All you need to do is connect the exhaust pipe to the open water container with a flexible hose. But there is one important nuance – the generator must be higher than the container with water. This is done to prevent water from entering the exhaust system.
Car Muffler
Another common solution to the noise problem is to connect a car muffler to a generator. Some models of power generators allow the installation of several mufflers at the same time. Such a process will require locksmith skills, but it gives its results. It all works the same way as on a car.